Beginner’s Guide: How To Install Ubuntu19.04 On XPS13

4 min readJun 8, 2019


With So Many Screenshots

Image of “disco dingo”, the codename of Ubuntu 19.04

0. Overview

  1. My Laptop’s Spec
  2. Create A Bootable USB Media
  3. Make a partition where Ubuntu will be installed
  4. Bios Setup
  5. Install Ubuntu19.04 日本語remix

X. Access UEFI Firmware Settings(Optional)

1.My Laptop’s Specs

| CPU | 1.8-GHz |
| | Intel Core i7-8565U processor |
| Operating System | Windows 10 Home 64ビット 日本語 |
| RAM | 16GB |
| Rard Drive Size / Type | 512GB / PCIe SSD |
| Display Size | 13.3 inch |

2. Create a bootable USB Media

What I prepared:

A 16GB USB stick

Microsoft Windows 10 Home

Rufus, a free and open source USB stick writing tool

An Ubuntu19.04 ISO file, Japanese Remix Edition

My configuration:

Installtion Complete

cf. Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu tutorials

3. Make a partition where Ubuntu will be installed

Type “disk” in Cortana, and Press “ハードディスク パーティションの作成とフォーマット”.

Type “disk” in Cortana

I forgot to take screenshots, yet configured as the procedure and photo of this page:

In the Disk Management tool, right click on the drive which you want to partition and select shrink volume. In my case, I shrank the C drive to make some free space:

Make a partition where Ubuntu will be installed


How To Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10

4. Bios Setup

4–1. Enable Secure Boot Mode (and Disable legacy option ROMs)

Enable Secure Boot Mode
Disable legacy option ROMs

4–2. SATA Operation Configures

Swich “RAID On” to “AHCI”.

4–3. Add Boot Option

View Boot Option

4–4. Change Boot Priority to <YOUR_BOOT_OPTION_NAME>

In my case, Top priority is “ubuntu1904”.

5. Install Ubuntu19.04 日本語remix

After saving and exiting bios, select “Installtion”, items of languages, keybord, and the application options as you like.

Anyone who make a use of a USB stick have to make partition, I guess.

My plan is bellow;

Select your location:

Select your location

During installation

During installation

Installtion Ubuntu19.04 is completed:

Installtion Ubuntu19.04 is completed

How to Install Ubuntu Linux on your Dell PC

X. Access UEFI Firmware Settings(Optional)

Access UEFI firmware settings(1/6)
Access UEFI firmware settings(2/6)
Access UEFI firmware settings(3/6)
Access UEFI firmware settings(4/6)
Access UEFI firmware settings(5/6)
Access UEFI firmware settings(6/6)




Written by gkzz

🇯🇵 #SoftwareDeveloper #MeijiUniv @apc_tweet Opinions are my own. #Geek #ギークハウス大倉山 #gkz

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